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Page Rank


New Member
I've had a few sites with a PR of 3 or 4. None were successful. Most of them would get between 10 to 30 hits a day. This tells me PR is bunk, its no indication of traffic and only shows relevance to a specific search. Basically, you can have a PR of 3 or 4 based on its content. This doesn't make your site popular.

So, why do people go crazy when their site has a PR of 2, 3 or 4?

I've been reading a lot of posts that say "Add your link to my PR 2 directory"

So, PR means nothing to me. How many unique hits do you get per day, per week, per month or per year. Thats what I want to know, thats more important than PR to me.

I think people go crazy over PR just because the almighty google says its relevant. They think google PR makes their site worth something. Well, to me it doesn't.

I just started promoting my site a couple weeks ago. Before that, I had virtually no traffic. Sometimes google says I have a PR1, sometimes it says its 0. But since I started promoting my site I get anywhere from 150 to 200 unique hits per day. The site itself has been online for 3 months.

So what I'm asking is.. Is PR really important?

My opinion is.. No, its not important.

Anyone else care to share their input on Page Rank?
This is more because of the vote that a good PR ranking can bring to another site. It's just a glorious pyramid scheme when you truly think about it: you get a great PR ranking, so you can sell links on your site to folks who will get a great PR ranking, so they can sell links on their sites, and on and on....
This is more because of the vote that a good PR ranking can bring to another site. It's just a glorious pyramid scheme when you truly think about it: you get a great PR ranking, so you can sell links on your site to folks who will get a great PR ranking, so they can sell links on their sites, and on and on....

Yes, but it still doesn't evade the fact PR means nothing. Boosting PR is a waste of time in my opinion. Its like cracking open a hard boiled egg for a good snack and finding a dead chicken inside. In other words, PR is a disappointing system.
The higher ranks (7 and up) actually do seem to hold some weight in actual search engine results rankings. But I can agree that anything less than that is pretty worthless.

...Then again, you have to start somewhere. :)
Higher pageranked sites are listed higher in rankings. Buying ads on site based on pagerank boosts your own pr. Pagerank was never an indication of traffic.
Again, you'd have to be PR7 or higher to see any real benefit.

Thats why I specified the ones who have PR 2, 3 or 4 go crazy over nothing. From what I've read, google is cracking down on the so called link farms anyways. You may have a PR 2, 3 or 4 with your link directory but you're going to be so deep in pages from a given search, it won't matter what your PR is.

So where is the benefit of PR in that?
The point is to get MANY links to your site. Each link boosts your pr a little bit. The higher pr site is linking to you, the more you'll get.
The point is to get MANY links to your site. Each link boosts your pr a little bit. The higher pr site is linking to you, the more you'll get.
heh, I was checking a remote page within one of my sites today and it was a PR3, I checked the back links via the google toolbar, and it only had one link. That link was from one of my very old tripod pages and the one linking was PR4 :lol:
i have 2 sites with PR5 and 4 sites with PR4 and i'm still poor

heh, I was checking a remote page within one of my sites today and it was a PR3, I checked the back links via the google toolbar, and it only had one link. That link was from one of my very old tripod pages and the one linking was PR4 :lol:

Thats why I think page rank is worthless.. google just looks for sites linking in and looks at the content. It doesn't prove its worth something. Your site could be all about the chemical composition of toe jam and sites about duck hunting are linking in, you get a PR. Makes no sense to me.
So what I'm asking is.. Is PR really important?

My opinion is.. No, its not important.

Anyone else care to share their input on Page Rank?
There are two scenarios:

1. PR is NOT important if you have your regular visitors (enough of those) or offer something unique so that people return. If the number of visitors is high enough you can make (a little to a lot of) money with a PR0 site. You will even get search engine referrals if your site has uniqe content.

2. PR is important if you like to sell text links or your site is 'generic' (one out of millions with the same content) and you need visitors from search engines.

Investing in strategy 1 is much more efficient than strategy 2 (but most people do number 2). Being mildly successful at number 1 will lead to success in #2 (people will start linking to your site), but not the other way around. It is actually pretty easy to get to PR5 or higher without link exchanges and all the other PR improving techniques. Just make sure your site is well made and offers something to people.
My own 2 cent is that none of it matters if you get your visitors.

If you sell then you want to attract more but what percentage buy, the biggest thing is exposure around a variety of different areas so at least people know your there.

2nd search engines so if they're looking for you they can find you (before they find someone else) so PR on a google search is important although artificial.
Thank you, maybe some of those 'I promise traffic' wannabees will offer footwork too (as in walking round telling people - doubt it).
Pagerank 0

Well i have my own directory with 1 month active and its have pagerank 0 with 50/80 visitors per day.
iwebtool tool says that i will have a pagerank prediction of 5 , so the point is i have pagerank 0 but i have traffic of 50 to 80 visitors per day and a lot of submission , because i´m offering free regular listing, well i think pagerank its not relevant , your search engines position yes. and all backlinks that you have too.

Thank you, maybe some of those 'I promise traffic' wannabees will offer footwork too (as in walking round telling people - doubt it).