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JSHosts can offer you our smallest VPS for only £3.99 per month. This is our summer special pricing and the promotion code has already been added for you.
10GB Disk Space
250GB Bandwidth
1 IP Address
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Price: £3.99/month [Order Now] - [View VPS's]
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Promotional Plan #1: Only $8.99 a month, packed with 256MB Guaranteed RAM and 512MB Burstable RAM. 15GB Disk Space and 200GB Bandwidth. Limited Stock! Get started today!
------------------- VPS Server 1
Ram/Memory: 256MB
RAM Burstable : 386MB
Disk Space: 20GB
Bandwidth: 700GB
IP Addresses: 1
Control Panel : Yes
Price: $10.95/mo More Information..... Order Now - Secure
Extra IP: $2.50/mo
Extra Space: 5GB Space : $3.95/mo
Bandwidth: Unmetered 10Mbps Bandwidth ( $20/mo )
Bronze VPS
10GB Disk Space
256MB RAM Guaranteed 512MB RAM Burstable
100GB Bandwidth on 100mbps Port
HyperVM/Kloxo Control Panel
Root Access
Instant Setup
1 IP Address