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After you IM'd me I asked my "friends" on my list. .and none of them received links. But I have contacted this company to remove me.. I am waiting for a response.
How can you disagree? I do not have a virus and I have proved to you that the site is sending the messages.. Open your eyes and your mind!
I take back the "retard" after reading through your post. I do admit I was pissed that particular day and used a heavier word than usual.
Anyway, from what you've posted, if the service uses your account to send spam messages to UT, that means that:
1. Your account is being utilized outside of the proper service.
2. Your computer has an MSN "virus".
3. You answered some lame question about UT via the service.
These viruses arent usually ON your computer.
Usually, your password is aquired when you stupidly use your details to login to "view the pics from the awesome party".
Then when you are offline, a bot logs your account quickly and spams your contacts with the same or similar message.
Scanning your computer will reveal nothing. People whos accounts have fallen victim to this, usually only need to change their account password.