The ability to "make money online" isn't as easy as it used to be due to saturation in nearly every market that exists. There's just so many kiddies at home trying to make it big in their parent's basement these days that unless you have a unique product or service, you can pretty much just forget it. Sitting at home with your computer doing affiliate programs all day is fine, if you're 16 years old, and still live with your parents. The majority of us can't survive on $40 a week. In the real world, it just doesn't work. Even freelance coding projects are drying up as more people and companies move towards CMS and social networking, rather than building their own content from the ground up.
For me, I've shifted my focus away from typical online methods and more towards offline ventures, but with the help of online marketing. For example, twelve years ago, I was focused mainly on web hosting, but the internet was different. Since then, the market has saturated to the point of no rebound and the overall culture is completely different than it once was. So, as a result, I've moved more towards wholesale purchases and retail, along with warehousing and transportation.