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Looking for Feedback on overall experience, concept, and functionality


New Member
website: www[dot]LetterPhotography[dot]net

Keep in mind my main demographic is women between the ages of 30-60.

General feedback I'm looking for:
- Functionality, does it appears some functions aren't working properly in your browser
- Speed, slow or fast
- Call to Action suggestions
- Color/font suggestions
- Design, does the idea come across immediately or does it take a while to grasp
- Could social media icons be placed better
- Should I have more examples of the finished product framed and where should I place them.
- Anything you can think of.

Thanks for your help anyone and everyone. It's greatly appreciated.

If it sucks, tell me why. If it's awesome, tell me why. Everything will help.

- Tyler
- Speed, slow or fast: Fast
- Color/font suggestions: I actually like the blue, but my god is it bright on my monitor. When you scroll down to where it's all blue, it's actually painful.
- Could social media icons be placed better: Yes...in fact, they don't even line up properly with the other menu.

Nice site and interesting idea. First thing, I would not use "help" as I'm not really sure what kind of support you would be providing. Perhaps "Contact Us" would be a better name, and you can list all your contact information. Speaking of which, your phone number is bizarrely hidden at the bottom of the page. I really don't like that.

The email address on your contact page (sales[at]letterphotography[dot]net ) should not be like that. I realize you are trying to avoid spam, but no business should ever have the email address listed like that. Go to any major business site and tell me if you see email addresses listed in that format. You simply need to deal with any spam you get, or simply use a contact form on your site and don't even list an email address.

Not sure if the cart is setup correctly yet, but after I add a product, I can't check out. There's no button for it. I have to go all the back to the home page, then click on cart again, then checkout. It's frustrating to say the least. Some items are also missing images in the cart. "Image" is just floating out there, but there's nothing underneath it.

Aside from that, looks great! Is this your business or you just doing the web design?