Right now your site is pretty good, but you should probably learn HTML. If you want to have a professional website, that's a must. You can still use Frontpage, but you should probably make an effort to at least learn what the tags of HTML on your page mean. WYSIWYG editors can really hold you back. The only way to tweak your page to what you want it to be is to learn HTML.
-I'm not at all farmilar with frontpage, but since both of your sites have the identical layout, I'm guessing you just used a template. It's best to have your own unique design.
-Another thing is that your pages have way too much text. Keep it simple. People aren't going to read paragraph after paragraph.
For example, shortern this:
Join our mailing list now to receive cutting-edge marketing tips & secrets, helpful resources and tools to start your Internet Business Success. It' is FREE. Just enter your email address below, then click the 'Join List' button:
to simply "Join our mailing list". If you still want to have all the other stuff, then post a link to another page that says that.
-You don't really need to have a description for the "Contact Me" link. People will know what it means.
-Get rid of the "click here" links.
-Your site would probably look a lot better if you got rid of this:
"Welcome to The Freebie (http://www.thefreebie.bizland.com). I will bring you fresh listings and reviews of the best freebies, helpful webmaster resources and money-making opportunities available on the Net. You are welcome to Subscribe to our twice-monthly newsletter; The Freebie Newsletter which is packed with Internet Marketing Tips and articles; latest & best freebies; helpful webmaster esources and money making opportunities on the Net. Subscribe now to receive your welcome gift value at $100 FREE now. And please don't forget to Bookmark this site NOW and return often to ensure you get the most from this site. This site i currently updated bi-weekly, however, I will try to update it by weekly or even daily in the future. If you find some freebies on the Net which is not listed in this site or you have any suggestion for further improvement of this site please email me. If you like this site, please recommend it to a friend."
If you just moved the directory up to where above paragraph is, it would like a lot more professional.
-You should probably make a logo for both of your sites, and put it at the top. It looks kind of akward without it. It would serve as a good point of reference/focus. As it is right now, it's kind of hard on the eyes to focus on your page.
-You do a good job at
http://www.thefreebie.bizland.com./ of keeping the directory listing descriptions short. If you did that on the rest of your page, I think it would really pay off.