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managed wordpress hosting

is f2s really the best?


New Member
I signed up and they put me on server 45.
Is it really as good as everyone says. Does it get better after a while cause my site has been going down an awful lot lately.

I'd use brinkster but their file manager is slow sometimes and takes forever to load files. And I have to delete files one by one, which takes a long time.
All of the new servers are experimental, this is what they have right above the I agree and signup button:

PLEASE NOTE: The new webservers are currently experimental.
Only signup now if you do not mind lots of downtime!
They have had that message up for almost a year. How long does it take to get stable? :confused:
bigperm, your site works here. I guess now the router to/from Belgium is the onlyone working :p
so in about a month everything should be better?

does f2s delete accounts? cause I'd hate to sign up again and be put on an experimental server
No worries, it's impossible to get rid of old accounts there. I know, I've really tried. :rolleyes:
As said it usually get better after a couple of month. This recent down thing is something else though. It isn't server specific. Some people haven't been able to reach f2s at all. There are one or two threads about it if you are interested.
I've got a few accounts @ f2s.com, but never got deleted... I don't think they delete accounts very fast, except when you've got illegal stuff on it :rolleyes:
F2s has worked for me about 99% of the time... I think it's the best bannerfree host :cool:
yeah - that hacking trainer got booted pretty quickly.

It's good, apart from they don't allow any ZIP, EXE, BAT or any other non-webpage/image format for that matter.
The rule is that you can have several accounts as long as the sites are different. I don't think they check that close though since I've seen ppl use them like that. And in a way "meow's picture gallery" and meow's message board" can be seen as different sites just linking to each other. I don't think they mind or bother to check but you may want to ask at users to be sure.
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