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Inauguration speech


Well /fws/ I suppose it's time for my inaugural drunk post.

---- sharks. So, seriously, what good do sharks do? Why are they beneficial in the food chain? Is shark meat delicious to humans? If not, I don't know why sharks exist, because we're clearly above them in the food chain. Also, why does Facebook chat have a shark emoticon? And what emotion is a ----ing shark face supposed to convey besides shark week, either on Discovery Channel or the week you get -----ed at a lot by your girlfriend?

This post brought to you by shots of Bacardi Razz.
Through this thread, we shall explore the usefulness of sharks to mankind.

Sharks are the indicator species of the marine life, just like tigers are the indicator species of the life on land. They act like an umbrella over the rest of the animals within their domain, keeping their numbers in check and ensuring a healthy ecosystem. :D
You know, shark meat actually is delicious.

Clearly their position on the food chain is adjacent to that of the thickly cut potato (chips, for the cerebrally-deficient among us)
I would like to report I am not even slightly hung-over, and am extremely surprised about that.

I still don't understand why Facebook Chat has a shark emoticon though.
I'm sorry notnamed. If you're not hungover then this thread has been hijacked
