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I love the welsh.

When people see that stuff, they have a religious moment. It looks like this:


The fact that that ---- usually does pay out is truly miraculous
I think a grilled cheese that looked like Jesus sold for $21,000 on eBay once... people are crazy. :confused4

Whether you believe it's an actual manifestation or not (and where's the precedent, anyway? Jesus didn't exactly manifest in Marmite in any religious literature I've ever read), it sure as hell isn't newsworthy. Enjoy your private religious moment if you like, but why report it to the media?
I love welch's GRAPE DRANK.

It actually says that on the bottle.

haha, i thought about putting that, and then i was like, no, im white, i cant love that. haha
i think they changed it to just Grape Soda now though
I used to work with a Welshman. He looked a lot like
and became quite confrontational and unintelligible whilst drunk. We got him into hockey and last I heard we was going for Canadian citizensheep.