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My CPU sometimes over heat. I have Intel945 motherboard, 2GB ram and 2GHz Intel Processor. I don't think any problem exist on hardware side. I have consulted hardware engineer but he is also not sure about the problem as CPU over heat sometimes only.
You don't need a hardware engineer. Add more fans and make sure you have quality thermal paste between the CPU and heatsink. The factory stuff isn't all that good in the first place, and it will certainly deteriorate over time.
You should add an extra fan and get your existing ones cleaned. Also a full servicing and cleaning of your laptop might be good sometimes to solve the problem of overheating.
check the memory of the unit..maybe it contributes to the over heating of the CPU. you can handle the over heating of the CPU by having an extra fan to make it cool.. regular cleaning could also help
My computer is HP, I had the same problem before. But after asking the computer repairman to clean my computer, it is much cooler than before, so I think you can also cool your computer in this way.
Adding more fans would help with the cooling of your computer, but the cleaning and maintaining your computer clean is necessarily and the most important thing to combat the over heating, you can also add dust filters to.
Another note would be that you change the thermal paste of your cpu once in a year also because it does deteriorate in time.
Overheating of computers is literally happens in most of us, We encountered those times and seems we want to avoid it being aware that a computer units/parts MUST be clean and free to freaky dust, proper ventilation of our computers is necessary and remember Thermal paste of our CPU's do dries so we need to reapply fresh thermal compound if needed. Do not train ourselves in bad habits. If you do care to our computers and to have a long life take care of it.