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managed wordpress hosting

High Bandwidth Hosting needed


New Member
Hey folks

I am running a new interactive website for Stargate fans. Unfortunately we have out grown our server (it allows 30gb a month).

In our first six weeks we have accumulated over 700 members, and this month alone so far we have used over 14gb of our alloted transfer. We estimate that our membership will double if not treble over the coming months.

So, we need a host with a lot of bandwidth and the following:

at least 500Mb of disc space
at least 100Gb of transfer per month
Mysql database (1 is ok, 2 or 3 would help)
NO BANNER or POPUP adverts
Unlimited FTP access

All suggestions and offers appreciated
Dolph, I agree with the comments you have received already. It might be time to look at a dedicated solution, with perhaps a maintence and administration contract in place if you don't have the type of staff on hand to handle that. But unless you specificly ask for that, it's really not withn the board rules to make any offer for such services, so can you confirm whether you're specificly looking for a shared hosting slot at this point or are open to other suggestions.

Kind regards

We can offer you:

Semi Managed:
RedHat® Linux 7.3, FreeBSD 4.6, or Microsoft®.NET Enterprise.
Intel Celeron 1.7GHz w/256K Cache.
60GB EIDE 7200RPM.
100 GB Internap & some CogentCo Bandwidth

$99 US per month

Add cPanel: $70
Extra Bandwidth: $1.00 Per GB
Originally posted by Haze
We can offer you:

Semi Managed:
RedHat® Linux 7.3, FreeBSD 4.6, or Microsoft®.NET Enterprise.
Intel Celeron 1.7GHz w/256K Cache.
60GB EIDE 7200RPM.
100 GB Internap & some CogentCo Bandwidth

$99 US per month

Add cPanel: $70
Extra Bandwidth: $1.00 Per GB

The deal seems to be exactly the same as unitedcolo except the price is doubled.
So, what extra service(s) do you added?
Originally posted by 1q1q1q

The deal seems to be exactly the same as unitedcolo except the price is doubled.
So, what extra service(s) do you added?
The server is Semi-Managed by ourselves. All support is take care of by us.
Originally posted by 1q1q1q

The deal seems to be exactly the same as unitedcolo except the price is doubled.
So, what extra service(s) do you added?

Hey, that's quite cheap, anyone know if they have a reliable network?
Here is a good deal:

Found this awhile ago, they have some good feedback on the WHT too.

HostMatix - ProMatix Plan

- FREE Domain
- Dedicated IP address
- 4 GB storage space
- 100 GB monthly traffic
- Unlimited POP3/SMTP boxes
- Unlimited FTP accounts
- Unlimited SSH accounts
- Unlimited sub-domains
- 15 MySQL databases
- phpMyAdmin
- Full shell/ftp web root access
- Unlimited e-mail forwarding
- Unlimited autoresponders
- Web based e-mail
- Microsoft FrontPage 2002 support
- Apache ASP Support
- JSP/Tomcat support
- CGI-bin, Perl, Python
- Pre-installed scripts
- Real Audio/Video support
- C/C++, PHP4
$44.95 / month
No Setup
Comes with Cpanel 5.0


I am not getting anything for pimping this site, I am just suggesting a plan from a company that may suit your needs. Take care, and good luck with your site. :)
Originally posted by Daniel

Hey, that's quite cheap, anyone know if they have a reliable network?

Internap Bandwidth with several tier 1 providers, but I believe they are cogent based inbound.


They are still new as a company despite what they may tell you. They have a huge thread going in the WHT dedicated forums found here:


Very nice deals. I would buy some servers for myself for my upcoming host company I'm putting together, but I am waiting a few months too make sure they're still around then. ;)
Originally posted by Rebel
but I am waiting a few months too make sure they're still around then. ;)

Hopefully by then, they still have some servers at that price and has not decided to raise their pricing :)

There are some hosts out there that have some internap bandwith, but very few that has _only_ internap bandwith ;)
If you read around WHT, you'll see the unitedcolo pricing is introductory. This would mean the pricing will go up sooner or later. Also, I believe the Cogent bandwidth is in a BGP. People have posted that both incoming and outgoing rarely takes the Cogent route.