Back several months ago my site was just getting popular. this was cool, but then my host died. this wasnt cool
I thought about what direction I should go in, and I decided to get a dedicated server. I put in a request at WHT, and a few hours later I was offered a 1.13GHz AMD Palomino with 512 mb ram and 500Gb/month for $89 per month. I couldnt pass that deal up.
Untunately the host was so backlogged in making the servers that I would have to wait for a few weeks before I could get one. I was given the option of being temporarily hosted on a RaQ4. I accepted. I was on the RaQ for a month, and I certainly had my share of problems; lucky for me I had a host that cares about users.
I was hacked twice (partly my own fault) and my partner was severely overloading the server.
My host's bandwidth provider, C&W then tripled the price for their bandwidth. There went my 500Gb/month

I got in contact with my host and asked "WTF is up, why havent you made my server yet?" I forget what they told me, but whatever it was, I wasnt happy with it
I was now without a server and somewhat angry. Eventually my host got back to me and said they could make me a server, but, again it would be awhile. I reminded them about the original offer, and politely stated that it had not been fulfilled. My host was quite embarassed, which I can understand. The owner somehow managed to get an AMD Athlon 1.4 GHz machine from a some contact in Virgina. I was impressed with that. I suggested he have FreeBSD an Plesk installed. He agreed, which was cool. the fact that there was no setup fee was cool too. I then realized that i was going to have to pay an a lot of money for the 300+ Gb of bandwidth i would need. (the inflated C&W prices) I once again got in contact with the NOC and we talked about this for awhile. It turned out that my host had some colo space available at Exodus. They gave me a deal there, and I accepted it. So I am now happily hosted for a low price in a good facility. I had to go through quite a bit to get there, but so did my host. They easily could have said "---- you, you're too much trouble, or stopped replying to me emails, or bleoked me on AIM, but they didn't. A tech or the owner checks in with me at least once a week to make sure everythig is ok, and if i have a problem it is fixed withing a couple hours. Times are good
That was my hosting experience up to this day. Unedited and condensed for difficullt reading