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GoClick Strikes again


New Member

The PPC search engine and host to a reputable affiliate program which provides popups with a starting CPM of $2.50(with no spawns) and search boxes with a starting CPC of $0.02, has once again slashed our rates in half. From $2.50 to $1.50(yes I'm aware this isn't half :p) to $0.75 CPM. $2.50 was adequate. $1.50 was barely reasonable. $0.75 is a slap in the face, especially considering the nature of the back-bending I have done over the past nine months to ensure their CTR was high. Even above what their static popup content warranted. I even went to the extent of joining LeadHound.com simply to use the links which directly targeted advertisers, which by the way is the only reason goClick runs their popup program: to generate advertisers. Why the popup advertises searching over advertising benefits, I'll never know.

Having said all that, I give up and I can no longer defend GoClick from people who claim they slash rates with no reason, where my usual reply would have been to keep up the CTR rates and you'll sustain your rate. That claim went right out the window. I've spoken via email time and again regarding improving and sustaining performance for them such that our rates would not be cut again(beyond $1.50 CPM), yet they have been little helpful and once again the rate was halved. I've sent them a piece of my mind on this type of behaviour. It is despicable.

I know others in this forum have had their goClick rate slashed. What are you thoughts on this? Where did you go for alternatives? Were you ever able to get a reinstated CPM at a reasonable level?

I am beginning to believe that, while 2002 may be the rebound year for online advertising, it will certainly be the most frustrating and aggravating year for small-to-medium size businesses.

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<Stock-standard response> GoClick's operating a business and they, of course, have the right to reduce the rates applicable to sites whose traffic does not prove productive for them. </ssr>

However, I can certainly understand your disappointment, having also had my rate recently sliced to $1.50 after just over a year of maintaining the primo $2.50 rate.

When dealing with rates this low (and keep in mind that their popunders do load in multiple instances on the growing XP/IE6 combo due to a problem with their cookie), it's hardly worth your time working towards boosting the conversion ratio through actual media buys. Of course, managing the placement of the popunder is another question.

Still, what's done is done and if you're not willing to succumb to a lowball $0.75 payout, an alternative should most certainly be sought. The problem for you is that you've been dumped by one of the best alternatives (you know who I'm talking about ;)), which incidentally suggests that perhaps their is a problem with the quality of your traffic and that you might have to look at CPA-based popunders (X10 broker these both directly, and possibly through their new CJ program also) or on limiting the exposure you give to each popunder program.

Good alternatives apart from SI include FastClick, ExitFuel (whose new Light program only spawns one window on exit for a payout of $3CPM), and Oversee's PopupSponsor, which also pays $3CPM.

DoubleClick may also be able to broker some of your inventory, though their pops are uncapped, and quickly grow tiresome.

Anyway, HTH.

I'd rather not get into the SI issue, as it has been resolved. I will say, though, that when all was said and done, no proof could be brought forward as evidence of poor traffic on RedRival during the period of time in question.

Having said all that, performance on goClick is exceptional, no thanks to their popup. The performance is all my endeavour.

The real problem seems to be their aim to attract advertisers but gauging that success on the number of "searches." Upon squeezing this bit of information out of them, I asked for an afffiliate link directly to advertise to the advertisers they want. They directed me to LeadHound. I implemented it. But, they don't seem to take that into account at all. It's only the number of searches that they base their rate cuts on. Quite absurd.

I recently pulled their SearchBar, though, which decreased the CTR somewhat. Certainly not enough to warrant a halve. I'll reinstate that to see if the pay rate goes back up.

Well, I guess they just can't pay those prices anymore. I'm glad I'm with fastclick.