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Free URL Forwarding Script??


Is there such thing and if so, where can I get one? Preferably, I would like to have the ability to add on an ad-frame, but anything is better than nothing. Thanks.
If you start your own free redirection service, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, add a frame ad! At the very worst, just use popunders like cjb.net does, but most peeps would use a free URL redirection service if it didn't have ads on the redirect at all, since there are already quite a few of them.
Originally posted by Cracker
If you start your own free redirection service, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, add a frame ad! At the very worst, just use popunders like cjb.net does, but most peeps would use a free URL redirection service if it didn't have ads on the redirect at all, since there are already quite a few of them.

Then how do you expect the redirection service to pay for bandwidth costs?

Anyway, try this. W0t.org used to use them. :)


Do I really need to make a list of all the free adless URL redirection services out there?


and the list goes on!

It doesn't cost that much to run a free URL redirection service, and as long as the service doesn't get too big like CJB did, the bandwidth won't overpower you either. All most of those services are are just simple CGI scripts.
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I thought the person was talking about the actual script? Not the service... =)

Ever hear the phrase "you have to spend money to make money?" I've written a script that does this (not free); people can create/edit their account, the stats are tracked, and it supports ad frame, popunder or popup advertising. Individual users can select what type of ad they prefer. Members, popups and popunders can be managed through the admin area. It allows the user to have http://them.yourdomain.com/ so it requires wildcarded DNS. =)

Technically, I'm not allowed to post the link here, but I'm sure you can find it if you want... =)