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Free Server Security Setup and Optimization


New Member
Hello everyone

I can help regarding server security setup, optimization and other issues. I don't need your server access or anything. Will just reply you here for your problems :p

Have fun
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What qualifies you to do offer these services ???

Forgive my asking, but with only 9 posts, you won't be very well known, I see no links to hosting companies in your sig or post and so I would suspect that handing my login details over to a total stranger, that doesn't even seem to own a website let alone hosting company, would be a pretty stupid thing to do, even if it is free .......
you are right krakjoe but I am new to the forum but not to linux/cpanel. Plus i am working on my website that i will launch by the end of this month.

And yes its quite strange to offer such services at this point.

krakjoe, i am going to edit the the post
install and config Firewall preferably apf (advance policy firewall) along with bfd (brute force detector). Secure ssh login. Always use version 2 and restrict it to some ip and disallow direct root logins.

Always compile apache with safe mode and do turn on safe_mode under php.ini. It will save your server from getting root access.

Alot more are there to do but these are basic protections.
though i am not a big fan of DA but this will help you.


EG_TCP_CPORTS="21,22,25,37,43,53,80,443,8000,8050, 8005,3784"

Do note, if you change ssh port, you need to add that under IG_TCP_CPORTS and don't forget to restart apf ;)
similarly if you have installed any tools like shoutcast or any that are running on some specific ports, do allow then too under IG_TCP_CPORTS or they won't work.