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I would like to know about free video convertor that converts SD video to HD video but without a blurring. The picture quality should be good and not distorted. Are there any softwares or solutions for this?
I have never seen a video converter that enables you convert SD video to HD video, it's impossible, I think. How can you convert a 320P video to 1080P video just by a video converter? It's impossible, just forget it.
You can only compress a video's quality - 4K > 2K > 1080p > 720p > 480p > 320p > 240p etc - not convert/'upgrade' it because the information of the extra pixels needed is missing from say 480p > 720p. The only thing you can do is increase the videos resolution (not its quality) to HD, but that's not the same, the image will be stretched and blurry because it's filling more pixels.