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Free Domain Names - www.YOU.p8a.net or www.YOU.c5a.net


New Member

Here is a new & free domain signup services for everyone to take advantage of http://www.P8A.net

We have 2 top level domains to choose from


Take advantage of our free domain names service to convert long urls to short domain names that is unique and easy to remember.

Convert: http://www.some-host.com/members/you (Very dull looking url and hard to remember)

To: http://you.p8a.net or http://you.c5a.net (Very short, unique and easy to remember DOMAIN name)

Summery Of Features
:: Easy and Fast signup
:: Random Password Generator (High Security Measures)
:: Password Reminder (Per Email)
:: Integrated User Stats
:: URL Cloaking
:: Path Forwarding
:: Automatic Meta-Tag Fetching
:: Detailed Error Messages in case of mistakes
:: & Much much more...

Try this demo* domain name: http://demo.p8a.net (Real URL - http://www.google.com)

Login to members section with the above domain name and the password: 123456 to test run our service.

Ofcourse, if you have any pre-signup questions, pleae feel free to post it on our forums :)

Interested? Visit http://www.P8A.net to signup, while rare domain names are still available!

Best Regards,
~Latheesan (P8A.NET & C5A.NET Admin)
It was shut down because they cloaked Google and Yahoo. Such a smart thing to do...and then they tried to become a URL redirection service..lol
Streetstunt06 said:
It was shut down because they cloaked Google and Yahoo. Such a smart thing to do...and then they tried to become a URL redirection service..lol

Erm NO!

Lolz, Its amazing to see how a noob thinks he/she know it all. I had a mysql connections issues with my dedicated server, so i qot a normal piad hosting account from a hosting company whilst fixing the problem with my dedicated server. Then the normal hosting account was a bigger issue, as the hosting company only allowed 30 simultaneous connection to mysql server. Now, i completely shut everything down until i get my dedicated server(s) sorted out.

Beside, why would google shut my site down for cloaking their site for a "Demonstration" ? Do you know how many people use google.com to demonstrate just about anything?

Also, here's a friendly and useful advice for u mate, dont talk like you know everything, because you'll just get done, like now :shame:!
I don't think that your account would be suspended because you shut it down. When you shut something down, generally it stops altogether, which would mean that they would terminate your account.
Redirection services aren't domains they're subdomains.

But if the service has DNS then it's a domain but not a TLD (Top Level Domain)