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managed wordpress hosting

Free cPanel host needed! Will pay once site gets income.


New Member
I'm looking for someone to host my gaming news website. But I won't be able to pay you until I can get a reliable income from the site, but once I do I can start paying for the service. Or I can add a text link on the bottom of every page with a link back to your site.

Space: 3GB (I would prefer 5-10GBs, but will go for 3-4)
BW: 80GB (May not need as much at first, but better safe then sorry)
Resources (Emails, sub-domains, parked domains, etc.): 200 (Or a reasonable amount)
cPanel X
At least 97% up time
Is reliable
No ads

You can reach me with the following info:

Email/MSN: xbytor2112x@gmail.com
Last edited:
I can offer

Space 2 GB (upto 25 GBand more with ads)
Bandwidth 20 GB(upto 50 GB)
Sub Domain 5
Fantastico ,Php MyAdmin ,Site builder,Stats,Email and more with Cpanel 11

Visit us at www.suraj4u.org/forum (or) PM me
Hi by-tor2112,

We could offer the following if you would place a banner linking to our site at the very bottom on every page.

3GB Storage space;
20GB Bandwidth;
Unlimited email accounts/subdomains/MySQL/etc
DirectAdmin control panel

More info: www.aainaa.net

Kind regards,
I'm looking for someone to host my gaming news website. But I won't be able to pay you until I can get a reliable income from the site, but once I do I can start paying for the service. Or I can add a text link on the bottom of every page with a link back to your site.

Space: 3GB (I would prefer 5-10GBs, but will go for 3-4)
BW: 80GB (May not need as much at first, but better safe then sorry)
Resources (Emails, sub-domains, parked domains, etc.): 200 (Or a reasonable amount)
cPanel X
At least 97% up time
Is reliable
No ads

You can reach me with the following info:

Email/MSN: xbytor2112x@gmail.com

I'd recommend going to paid hosting for what your asking for. Thats too much to give for free without the host getting anything in return. You don't even want advertisements on your site.

What do you think of non-intrusive ads you could customize so they fit nicely into your design?

Please read his request, he specified no ads.