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Firefox 4 with 27 open tabs is using... 1,081,788 K
That said, the memory usage isn't a concern for me. I have plenty, so it might as well get used. Firefox 4 still runs extremely smooth. And I totally love app tabs and tab groups.
I like the FireFox 4.I have totally me work is done on firefox because I like it. I still prefer Opera because it's a tad faster, but this is still a very solid browser.
Has anyone experienced any troubles using FF4? I mean, it becomes stuck from time to time up to necessity of process elimination, unlike the previous version. Any ideas about what should I check? Or maybe just re-install it?
Firefox is the best one web browser site,this is my favorite web browser.I am using just firefox for internet working the get a much better working speed .
Firefox and Google chrome both are best web browser now a days use.Firefox introduce his latest version in market is that Firefox 4.0.This fulfill with all latest feature.
I mopstly use flock at work but at home I have FF4.
I have to say that is much more faster then FF3 but a lot of plug ins I had do not work with FF4.
That's why I prefer to stay with Flock at the work
Firfox 4 version such a nice introducing i am using Firefox 4.0.Working speed is very high and never interrupted during the is doing smoothly.
Haven't had enough time to thoroughly test. There's no imacros plugin for it yet, which I don't like. So far it has not crashed on me, we'll see how long that goes for. Also testing the new 64 bit flash plugin, and only tested very briefly, but it did work for the one youtube vid I tried playing.
The only problem I have found with this version of Firefox is that one or two previous plugins are not supported, although I suspect this situation will improve in the future.
hmmm i dont know whats wrong with firefox . i used it on my PC version 3.6 used it for a month or so than its crashes . than i bought a imac and used firefox 4 on it 3 month after crashes again . so i am on safari and chrome .
waiting for firefox 5. What cause me swift from firefox to google chrome because it load faster and easy to use.
But i still awaiting firefox 5 to release this month because Mozilla Accelerates HTTP in Firefox 5, so it would be load faster.
Hope that Mozila able to load as fast as google chrome.