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managed wordpress hosting

Facebook Publish for wordpress


Chairman/CEO TMCG
I am trying to use facebook publish for my blog. I have all the right settings in place.

I have tried my personal profile ID, and my fanpage ID.

All, it does is refreshes to the settings page in admincp and tells me that I have to "Grant Access Rights"

I click on that, and all it does is refresh back to the settings page in wordpress.

Anyone else experience this and know how to fix it?
Hi George,

If your using wordpress you should just get a plugin like "AWD all in one facebook".

Also it sounds like thats trying to allow some kind of facebook application.
Well i had this plugin working. It worked for one day, but now it wont connect to facebook anymore.

It keeps giving me this error.

API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.

Anyone know what it means? Permissions for the mod and facebook are all correct.