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F2s Down???


New Member
My site on F2s is down since the day before yesterday!
And is WHOLE day! 24hrs down! Whats going on with them? :confused2
Something's going on there. Yesterday one of my sites there was super fast. Another one on the same server were down. Go figure. :confused2
Today both are fast and up! :)
awwww....both my forum and main site went down...and is continuously down for almost 3days! :(
btw, u have any news from Yupapa? i have no idea why is hasn't be hanging out here and when i email him, no replies...:(
wats going on with him? and his site seems to stop updating but he is still continuing to pay donhost as its not shuted down yet!
meow, u were his forum moderator last time so i believe u do have his icq number or aim nick? can u private msg it to me? thanks :)
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I don't - because I don't use ICQ or AIM.
I have been thinking of trying to email again. I miss him. :cry2: :cry2:

BTW yupapa.com isn't down for me.
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his site isnt down to me too but is just that i don't see him updating as often as b4 and his forum has been down for sooo long! :(
any1 has his icq number or aim nick or yahoo or msn? :confused2
i will be emailing him again... :cry2:

i juz went to check out yupapa's last post and it was a topic with Bye and in the thread, he seems to got accused of being a hacker! and he looks innocent! :(
i dont think he will hack anywayz...he looks so pure and really innocent....:( poor guy :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:
Yeah. It's a shame that thread wasn't stopped. Damn' morons with their loose accusations. Seems like yupapa thought we all believed them when it was the other way around. :mad:
Originally posted by meow
Yeah. It's a shame that thread wasn't stopped. Damn' morons with their loose accusations. Seems like yupapa thought we all believed them when it was the other way around. :mad:
yeah, i feel bad for yupapa too.

anyway, i have no problems accessing my forum.
Originally posted by HTML-Guru
Look, I talk to Yupapa on ICQ sometimes. I tried to persuade him to come back but he doesnt want to because he thinks everyone here hates him.
But it isn't true! I didn't read those threads until afterwards, but it seems to me most guys didn't believe those #¤%%&/ suckers!
Two (?) guys accused yapapa of hacking their stupid f2s account. turned out that all they had was that someone had run a script from his domain...If they even new that much. :mad:

Should be one of the last threads yupapa's in. You can search for it.