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English 101


Is it supposed to be "more than" or "more then" when you want to say something? Ex. "I have more than what I need" or "I have more then what I need"
Are we closer to a war then we think
how about in this case? I think it should've been 'than'. I always use 'than' instead of 'then' it just doesn't sound right.
Lol, The way I learned it was that we use 'than' and everyone is going around and saying 'then' I thought it was a mistake untill I saw it on a professional script. That had me wonder for a second.
Ummm.. reminds me on people who mix up "their and there"..

It can get very annoying if you talk to many people who do that..

"I was their and there cookies were so great"... yeah sure they were
Too bad English didn't have an if statement lawl that'd be so 1337! :lol:

like you say, "If I'm 1337'er then dju{
Money goes teh mah paypal
} else {
Money goes teh mah bank