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Does The Site Admin Know Mathematics?

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New Member
Hey I dont understand your concept man every now and then my no of posts decreases. Is your software crazy or is it that you dont want me to post anymore on this site. I never spamm your forums man now dont tell me that.
Sometimes threads you have posted in are removed which means.. your post in the thread goes with it which means.. your post count decreases.

That or your post was just irrelevant/stupid (i.e Spam)
es correcto, chico!

and i don't think the software is crazy (b'cause they can't be crazy, human can be but not software)
NetMaster is correct. If you have posted in a thread which later gets removed, that's what happens.
Really concerned if this is even relevent. Plus someone with too much time on their hands. If not why all the 'Terminator' cliques
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