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Do you play an instrument?

Do you play an instrument?

  • Yes (post what you play).

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • No, I'm not a musical person.

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • No, but I sing.

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters
You guys need bigperm as a singer.

Think boysetsfire - after the euology

That's the kind of shit I just eat up.

The song is good though.
I'm a guitar freak. Acoustics, Electrics, Baritone, (kinda) Bass.

I'm also learning piano and sing in a Motorhead cover band. (The guitarist is better then me)
Damn... there's percussion, strings, uh...... help?

uh, woodwind & brass.

I like to play the piccolo. :p

Don't you get it?
Originally posted by LeX
BTW, Gayowulf... I was so sorry I spent 2 minutes downloading that MP3. :D There's a local band here that calls themselves "Death Metal" that "sings" just like that. :D:D

well, if nothing else, its a great way to vent frustrations. you can scream and since nobody can tell what you are saying you can "sing" whatever you like. maybe one day i will upload the definitive collection complete with lyrics.
You guys are all cool... I wish I could play an instrument :(

I love music and just wanna play it myself... I just don't think i have the gift though. I've been trying to teach myself guitar for the last 6 months... I give up each time I try though; I'm just no good.

I think I'll just open a record label instead. One of my mates is a damned good musician, so I'm gonna buy him time in a recording studio, then print a few thousand CD's... and my record label will be the next big thing.

I'm going to keep typing nonsense until Gayowulf's song has downloaded. If it's good enough, I'll offer him a recording contract... :D

OKAY! It's done... lets see.... hmm... LMAO! That was uh... good... :D Well, I uh... liked the instruments...

Well Toefur if you want to learn guitar, the best thing you can do is either a. get a teacher for a few months, or get a book called "the guitar case chord book" and just concentrate on the simple chords and you will get better fast. as long as you know the chords you can play in a band. Dont say you're no good, because then you will think you're no good and you wont learn anything.

I have a little recording studio, and i work in a bigger one. producing, mixing and recording can be fun, but it really sucks when you hate the music you are recording. especially if they have to do several takes of a song. there's nothing like a shitty song running an infinite loop in your head.
Where did Lex's post go?

Anywho... lot's of bands have screaming instead of singing as their vocals. There are genres of music that only have screaming... like hardcore, aggro-metal, emo-core... well, anything that ends in -core has screaming probably.

Some bads who have great screaming singers
System of a Down
Boy Sets Fire

Those are just some of my favorites.
Billings method=Cool
System of a Down don't always "scream"... but the best "screaming" band is Mudvayne, heck they are the best band :D

Take the songs 'Dig' and 'Under my skin' for example - great songs!
Mudvayne sucks donkey cock. They are just another too cool 'nu-metal' band that is hopping on the popular train under the rouge of being 'misunderstood' or something like that.

And they can't scream worth a damn.

Go to audiogalaxy and dowload boy sets fire - after the eulogy and then tell me that mudvayne had even a little talent.

Gayowulf... progapandhi owns.
Originally posted by bigperm
Mudvayne sucks donkey cock. They are just another too cool 'nu-metal' band that is hopping on the popular train under the rouge of being 'misunderstood' or something like that.

It's called a gimick. Get over it. The music industry sucks, and it will always suck. People with no talent are presented as if they do. To bitch and complain about it is futile, and quite juvenile.

Listen to a Steve Vai song and tell me Wes Borland is a good guitarist. But who knows who Steve Vai is?
They play Steve Vai on the radio all the time here.

Gayowulf quoted lex, and I couldn't find the post.
Originally posted by bigperm

Gayowulf quoted lex, and I couldn't find the post.

3rd from the top on the 2nd page.

I have an aversion to all those nu-metal bands. the bands that use 7 string guitars and look like white trash.

Limp biscuit;)
and the rest of them

I guess people like them because they sound cool. I dont likt them because they suck (for the most part) at playing the guitar. I can pick up tose power chords by ear and i barley play the guitar. shit i should start my own nu-metal band.
Originally posted by Gayowulf

- Cool
Staind - Cool
Tool - Crap
Slayer - Crap
Limp biscuit - OK
mudvayne - Cool
Chevelle - ?

I guess people like them because they sound cool. - Isn't that why we listen to music? Because it sounds good?
good point akalon. I guess its kind of dumb for my to criticize music just because I dont like how it sounds.

I should have said that it can sound cool, but i dislike it because it seems simple to me and well it just doesnt seem to hold a lot of musical value.

Thats just my opinion. I know i probably like tons of music that everyone else hates.