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Cracking Word Docs


New Member
I need help cracking a password protected word doc. I'm lookin' for a method, tool, or whatever. I'd keep on trying doin' it the old fashion way... but I'm tired of guessing.
There are countless tools that will do this.

just do a search at a downloads site, davecentral, or even astalavista
Search? I don't expect that type of answer. I'm searchin' at the same time I wait for a decent answer in this thread...
Well, I've already found one, but I don't like it that much. I'm still lookin'... and still I got like not even a decent answer here. Jee, I thought there'd be at least a couple hundred people on this forum that could answer this. *wonders off to a more intelligent board* =P
Originally posted by Blank Verse
Is this your own doc you're trying to crack here...???

Its his brother's wife's sister's cousin's boyfriend's sister's husband's brother's wife's father's will. :rolleyes: