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Beware of the following !!!

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Well-Known Member
Hello community,

Just a short while ago, I was very pleased to annouce the take over of Development Hosting. A company that I watched and helped grow, and then partner into my organization.

Unfortanly I am here today to post not a positive review, but a very negative post. This is a warning to all hosting companies, clients looking for a service, and the managers who are looking after hiring there staff.

Erik Van Norstrand - X - CEO/Founder of Development Host which was developmed from EVN Services, had signed on with a 6 month contract promising to stay with the company, and a 5 year no startup business in the internet market of any sort.

This hasnt been even a month yet, and unfortanly this 16 year old, hasnt relized that he is binded to the contract. Yes I know a 16 year old cant be liable, but a CEO/Founder of a business is.

Well this child, who thought they were business material, first started by joining our business, by day 2, he was already trying to steal my staff, who were loyal enough to report it to me, and let me know what was going on. (Thanks Ashton). Now he has opened up other domains, and started a new hosting business.

This annoucement is to inform all that Development Hosting, from today on, has been removed from our organization. Lake Shore LLC will no longer be in any way responsible for any services that Erik Van Norstrand runs.

I would like to warn clients, that are looking for webhosting services about this business child. His ethics are totaly wrong, he is more worried about getting money then offering a sutiable and reliable package.

Erik Van Norstrand has many domains, that are currently out and advalible to the public, these include:

Developmenthost.net - Hosting Site
Developmenthostsales.net - Was His ClientExec Account
Devnhost.com - Hosting Site
hostingallies.com - Hosting Site
proxystar.net - Proxy
evnservices.com - Hosting Site
evnservices.net - Hosting Site

There are many more, all these domains he has whois protected to protect himself from being found out.

Erik Van Norstrand current site is the hostingallies.com which he is currently building. He is a 100% LayeredTech reseller, as well as a reseller to all other companies. His management skills for servers are below par, as he doesnt even know how to do nameservers :(.

I would like all members of this community to read and be on the look out, hosting businesses please if you here a client asking about it, please refer them here.

As I post this thread, all his funding on his paypal account are being pulled due to our paypal chargebacks we placed on his accounts. So I would expect that by the end of the month, his sites will no longer be online
As has been brought up on the LT forums:

A) LSComputers: You are a minor. ANY contract you enter into is null and void anyways.
B) Doesn't matter if he's a business owner or not, at 16 he cannot be held liable. In fact, anyone under 18 can't be an owner in an LLC or corporation as it is.
C) Just because slap an "LLC" on the end of Lake Shore doesn't make it an LLC. As you are under 18, you cannot hold an LLC...
Well, consideirng the business is registered to a older gentalmen, and we are in the process of registering as an limited liablity corporation, both claims are not 100% true.
As far as I am concerned, if the company is registered under an adult he can work for it legally and it can be an LLC.
hosting-shack said:
LSComputers is under 18?

My god.. What has the world come to.

No I am 18, I started my business when I was 13. However, my father, (40ish) has purchased this business from me, and I will be overseeing all the day to day operation as long as possible, basicly this is just so that we can get a large line of credit, allowing me to take some more schooling courses to better run my business, as well as have some funding for backup for our business. Also who said I was under then 16? if this has anything to do with your order forums when we ordered. Ill like to see you in court for a privacy problem, (also im not saying that I am under 18, I can assure you that I am not)
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LSComputers said:
No I am 18, I started my business when I was 13. However, my father, (40ish) has purchased this business from me, and I will be overseeing all the day to day operation as long as possible, basicly this is just so that we can get a large line of credit, allowing me to take some more schooling courses to better run my business, as well as have some funding for backup for our business. Also who said I was under then 16? if this has anything to do with your order forums when we ordered. Ill like to see you in court for a privacy problem, (also im not saying that I am under 18, I can assure you that I am not)

What business did you start at 13?
Thanks for the tip LSC, your efforts will not be forgotten in these troubling times for hosting.
Also the last name "Van Norstrand" was a last name that Kramer on the popular Sitcom 'Seinfeld" used in one of the episodes. He pretended to be "Professor Van Norstrand" So it's quite ironic.
LSComputers said:
Ill like to see you in court for a privacy problem

Wow just wow u get the point dont u kid?:lol: Oh no he will drag me into court now for calling him kid :lol: :lol: :welcome:
A1Owner said:
Wow just wow u get the point dont u kid?:lol: Oh no he will drag me into court now for calling him kid :lol: :lol: :welcome:

Actually lol, no.. not interested in sueing people unless nessacary, myself and nick have already discused our problems. Thansk A1Owner for your bit of sarcasim :), I wont forget it :classic2:

Anyways yes, this is just to inform people to watch who your hiring, thats basicly it, Iv also request this thread be locked, as situations are being worked out.
Give LSComputers a break! I don't know you, but I can bet you were responsable before you turned 18. It's not like you turn 18 and suddenly you're a grown up man.

I bet he's more mature and commited than a average 25 year old, as he seems very commited with his work. Good Luck!
mr.d1n1 said:
It's not like you turn 18 and suddenly you're a grown up man.

Omg u serious ? I remember when i opened my eyes for first time all i heard was "Happy Birthday A1 your now 24" Wow ur not born 24 dammit, i must dial G.O.D if thats not a long distance call ASAP .:angel:
LSComputers said:
No I am 18, I started my business when I was 13. However, my father, (40ish) has purchased this business from me, and I will be overseeing all the day to day operation as long as possible, basicly this is just so that we can get a large line of credit, allowing me to take some more schooling courses to better run my business, as well as have some funding for backup for our business. Also who said I was under then 16? if this has anything to do with your order forums when we ordered. Ill like to see you in court for a privacy problem, (also im not saying that I am under 18, I can assure you that I am not)

As far as I can tell, you can see me in court for whatever you will. I have no information in you at all, I was purely going on what was said in this thread. You have never ordered anything from me or anyone i've worked with as far as I remeber.

what i suggest is you guy let each other a step and break it off...settle in a peace matter after all this thread is not about who is above 18, who is not...
hosting-shack that wasnt pointed at you ,it was pointed at Nick, and his post about my age, as I have purchased with him, as well as some family, so if he was to relase information that would be a privacy issue, wasnt directed at you.. sorry for the confusion
LSComputers said:
hosting-shack that wasnt pointed at you ,it was pointed at Nick, and his post about my age, as I have purchased with him, as well as some family, so if he was to relase information that would be a privacy issue, wasnt directed at you.. sorry for the confusion

Dude u do know that u cannot still sue anyone just cause they know u and release your address or name or anything about it, i dont see on what bases u can sue that guy.
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