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Beware of JohnnyD - He a Scammer

I'll respect the fact that this company is large, but man...what a way to run a business.

Who pays the staff?
I have never seen a legitimate business pay its employees using PayPal. I realize some of the Internet "businesses" do, but what a mess. Could you imagine physically going to work at some company's office, and being paid via PayPal? ROFL! We use direct deposit or a standard paycheck to pay our folks. Makes no difference if they are independent contractors or not. If they want to be paid via PayPal, they can go somewhere else, and be hired by some 14 year old kid who wants to play business in mommy and daddy's basement.
Who handles refund requests?
As I said, refunds should be processed via the billing software. Our Billing staff does it right from our software. They don't need our PayPal account info or bank account info for that. They hit the refund button and everything happens automatically.

Who pays the bills? Who buys new equipment? Who buys e business cards or other apparel?
Hopefully it isn't the remote staff doing any of that!! If it's not the company's higher-ups paying the bills and taking care of equipment acquisitions, that's a major problem.

More power to them if that's how they want to run a business, but they're setting themselves up for problems, exactly like the ones in this thread. We have been in business for 16 years, and have yet to ever have an employee steal money from us. That's because they can't. ;) Legitimate businesses running things properly highly limit the number of people who have access to the business' financial assets. If you're giving out your PayPal, 2CO, Moneybookers, bank account info, etc., to every remote billing staff who happens to come your way, you should expect to have money stolen from you.

Just manage your business properly and you won't have to worry about people like JohnnyD.

Hey, doesnt them need a bank account to cash the checks or accept deposits? Cash might be a better option.
Hey, doesnt them need a bank account to cash the checks or accept deposits? Cash might be a better option.

Yes, an employee would need their own bank account to cash the checks (or a check cashing service) or accept direct deposits. Most people here in the US have bank accounts. I don't know a single person who doesn't, in fact. So no big deal. We don't pay our employees in cash, as the other two methods are far better for record keeping.
To avoid too much problems, you should add a user under Paypal which it restrict the power of that user, so that it will not be easy for that user to abuse his/her power.
While about making payments, it is best to do recurring payment, rather than pay every month. With this way, it actually reduce the chances where you need your staff to make payment using your Paypal account.
It's too bad JohnnyD isn't here to offer his side of this whole debacle.

I could use a really good laugh.
Think we've lost sight of the objectives here guys :)
4. Large companies do allow minions to buy things, after sign off, but the accounts are settled with the suppliers by finance (usually a very few people in a trusted and 'sight seen' position) not the person buying.

This is quite common. Even the small company I work for, I am allowed to purchase things on behalf of the company using the company's accounts with the suppliers such as the hardware store. But I can only do this for companies that where I work has open accounts with, otherwise I have to go through the purchasing department in order for them to use one of the company credit cards to pay for the purchase. I never actually handle the company's money directly, and I never should have to unless things seriously fall apart in the office and they need me to clean up the mess.

However the invoices produced by these company account purchases are collected and tracked by the office, and if they start seeing invoices that are not tagged to a facility repair or an active client they go after whoever it was that signed for said purchase and make them either justify it as a company purchase or pay it back.

I don't see any company ever giving direct banking access to anyone they just picked up off the internet, and even people I know in real life I wouldn't trust to handle my money unless I had their ID on file along with a host of background checks and they've worked for me for some time. And even at that, they would have their own account for it so that their activity can be monitored, funds regularly being merged in or out of it as needed to keep it in good standing without letting a lot of money pile up in it where it is at risk of being stolen.
Quite silly of you and any provider to give this so called child your paypal login infomation in the first place, but I can sympathise with you and hopefully you have learnt your lesson.