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to be honest, it is hard to determine which hosting company is the best, as each of them might get on the top position for certain time, and then their position is replaced by another host.
anyway, as long as you comfortable with 1 host, that host will be the best host for urself.
I’d like to recommend Hostmonster, JustHost and Bluehost which are the top service provider of the year 2011. You can easily get the hosting of PHP out of them.
I would like to recoment GoDaddy because it is the best domain name registrar, undisputed. With the lowest prices and best deals around. GoDaddy offers just about anything you can think of related to the web hosting industry. With everything from reseller accounts to basic shared hosting, you are sure to find what you need.
In my experience i think hostmonster is the best host provider its main feature is unlimited hosting space,unlimited site bandwidth,host unlimited domains. in my suggestion hostmonster is the best.
Unlimited doesn't exists - it is limited by hardware capacity.
Also don't forget that many hosts promise unlimited things but they do have limits on CPU/RAM.
It is hard to tell which one is the best for you. Every hosts have their own unique template and platform. The best host for them may not be good for you because each of us have different perceptive. I think the best thing you should do is make some research. But if you have difficulty in choosing where to start, you make start with the following popular host today.
Try to check the following web hosts:
1. hostgator
2. justhost
3. godaddy
4. EUKHost
5. bluehost
6. hostmonster
7. host clear
8. dreamhost
and many more.
It will be beneficial to learn some of them so that you may compare features and prices at the same time.