• Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers! /Peo, FreeWebSpace.net
managed wordpress hosting

BBaCE Hosting-FREE- Banner & ad free, Good package choices


New Member
Our free Web Hosting accounts from http://bbace.net come with up to 10 GB of disk space and up to 100 GB of monthly bandwidth, CPanel 10, PHP 4, mySQL, CGI, Perl and everything else you need to enjoy a good web hosting expererience. Fantastico is also included with a multitude of preinstalled scripts.

We also do Domain Hosting (optional)

All of our hosting Packages are FREE and there is no intrusive ad's or banners and no forum posting qouta.

ok, whew! no that the advertizing is over with!...

we're relatively new in the hosting field, but our membership is strong as we're generally a phpBB based site, we're not a fly by night site, here today gone tomorrow, we plan on being here for people and supply the best service we can for all for a very long time to come :)

Feel free to check out our site, browse around or just say hello, all are welcome :)