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bandwidth question.


New Member
i need 2 find a webhost but i dont know which one 2 choose. so help me on this. if a site is about 20k in size and gets about 1 million page views a day how many gigs of bandwidth will it consume a day?(hyperthetical quesiton)
and do i need a dedicated server for the site or just regular webhosting. which 1 is the best option? thanx.
bandwidth = size of page (with img etc) x number of times viewed

it will be less if people have graphics cashed on their browsers plut here will be some HTTP over heads eg


server will issue redirect to


but the equation is good enough

so 20k x million views ~ 20GB

server depends on what you have speed of server how much memory how fast drives - what else it's doing

html needs little power CGI/PHP etc needs more

also same page many times is much easier than lots of different pages as the server caches things

time to change is if your server starts to use memory swapping - as this makes it grind

you don't need your whole site on one server you could put graphics on a different one say to ease the load on the first
That's a real hypothetical question... lemme ask you this: Does Google and/or eBay get a million hits a day?
Originally posted by Coolin
Do you think they will actually reply?
Yeah, I do believe they'll reply.... when they get to it in about 20 years. :rolleyes:

Just out of curiosity, where's Google and eBay hosted?
Probably on their own servers. They probably also have a direct connection to the backbone if they already aren't on the backbone.