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Automated Billing with Webhosts?


New Member
Hey guys,

I was wondering if there was an easy way, or service, that sets up automatic billing with webhosts. I'm looking for something that can automatically bill paypal, or credit cards (But I think they require atleast $50/month?).. If you guys can give me some information about automatic billing, I'd appreciate it.
Well, you can set all of that up through PayPal. They have a subscription feature where it takes the money from someones paypal account or credit card. It's the easiest way :) (for me)
Venkan said:
Alright, that sounds great to me, could you tell me how much % they take out of that?

1.9% of transaction + $0.30 USD to 2.9% + $0.30 USD for every transaction.

However, there are no extra charges for using the Subscription Feature.
...No one is talking about space.

And as for an automated billing system, if you are looking for more of a client management type script I would recomend WHM Autopilot, ClientExec, or Modernbill. These are the most popular and trusted client billing systems. They can all automatically bill a client for Paypal, 2CO, etc and also have a client/admin login area to check on account and payments.

WHMAP - http://www.whmautopilot.com
ClientExec - http://www.clientexec.com
Modernbill - http://www.modernbill.com

Good luck,
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You can always write your own billing scripts that interact with PayPal etc. That's what I ended up doing as none of the popular ones appealed to me. :)
If you need a full suite of payment options your looking for a merchant account.

That you'll pay for.

The easiest - it does charge - is PayPal
Account Creation Automation for Dedicated, Reseller, and Free web hosting companies.

iHost can create both normal accounts (with billing) or free accounts instantly and automatically.

Dedicated server owners can also user iHost to create reseller accounts.

Detailed :
- Client control panel
- Email template editor
- Supports subdomain account creation
- Earnings report
- Mailing list

Incorporate your pre-iHost hosting accounts easily into the iHost billing system.

iHost includes a complex error checking routine to ensure successful account creation.

- Fully customizable order pages which will open normally in an HTML editor like Dreamweaver or Frontpage.
- Easy to install and use!

Requirements :
Cpanel / WHM
PHP 4.1.x


XTR Host said:
...No one is talking about space.

And as for an automated billing system, if you are looking for more of a client management type script I would recomend WHM Autopilot, ClientExec, or Modernbill. These are the most popular and trusted client billing systems. They can all automatically bill a client for Paypal, 2CO, etc and also have a client/admin login area to check on account and payments.

WHMAP - http://www.whmautopilot.com
ClientExec - http://www.clientexec.com
Modernbill - http://www.modernbill.com

Good luck,

Thanks, it appears the mods deleted the other posts about people trying to sell me webspace.
I'd recommend whmautopilot too. It's a pretty good script for billing automation. If you're looking for something for free however, you could take a look at PHPcoin at phpcoin.com.
Its a bit complicated but it does the job for a free script.