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Another include() problem


New Member

I have a .inc file that contains html codes. How do I use the include() to print the codes out onto the page so that others can select it and copy it?

I know there's htmlspecialchars(), but how do I pass the contents of the entrire file into this function?

I tried this and it does work:
$contents = include ("html_test.inc");
							  $contents = htmlspecialchars($contents, ENT_QUOTES);
							  echo $contents;

PS: It contains many double-quotes.

Hope you can help.
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$file = fopen("html_test.inc", "r");
    $a = fgets($file, 1024);
    $b = htmlspecialchars($a);
    echo $b."<br>";
I think this should work
then it should look like this
$file = readfile("html_test.inc");
$text = htmlspecialchars($file);
echo $text;
but it's the same as i posted before
The first method causes both my IE and Opera to hang (strange). The readfile method inserts the contents instead of printing the code without getting the browser to render it.

What else can I try?