Ron Seigel
What???? Scott and Lenny ought to kick your ass for saying that!!!!
Are you sure you're not Gary Nimrod using a different name?
[Edited by Peo on 11-14-2000 at 11:32 PM]
What???? Scott and Lenny ought to kick your ass for saying that!!!!
Originally posted by cyberryan
Originally posted by Webdude
Online uploaders generally help to kill your bandwidth as well. Most of the time ftp traffic does not go on your bandwidth bill (such is the case with crosswinds) but browser uploaders are just that, browser http in which all uploads are via http and count towards your bill.
Really? Then why do you use browser uploading instead of FTP in your Worldzone?
Crosswind's step down from ad-free has proven it cant be done for the long term.....and ftp was/is the ONLY thing they offered...no cgi, no domain hosting, etc.
So, Angelfire, Geocities, Xoom, Tripod, and Fortunecity are rich up to their ears and they don't offer "custom cgi" or domain hosting. By the way, who cares if a host has pre-installed cgi scripts or not? Why do you think free counter, guestbook, and form e-mail services were invented? Also, according to Crosswinds, offering members the possibility to upload their own server side scripts poses a security hazard, which is why the rich FWP's don't do so either, but as we all know, Worldzone is "100%" hackproof, right, Webdude?
I'm going to post here AGAIN when Crosswinds removes their pop-up ad
Originally posted by Sphosting.com
Actually we not even planning to put ads on members homepages, we ACTUALLY earn more income by not placing them on. Its not the number of impressions that makes you money but the CTR and quality impressions from a well rounded mix of ip addresses.
The problem is with cw is that they offered to much to members, since we don't offer ftp access where not open to much abuse so our costs are way less. We also have special agreenments with our server provider for cheap bandwdith which sees further costs savings.
Also Ron & Chicken calm down, the way your typing seems to me that your going to have a heart attack : ).
The major failer in ad free homepages is the addition of ftp access, we removed it and so far with 12,000 members its been a success.
Where've been doing ad free hosting for nearly 2 years, We started our on srld.com but migrated all of our users over to sphosting.com in about May this year so ron thats who we are.
In addition we signed up a major advertiser who we will be marketing with and provide our members with extra free services.
Stuart Dyer
[Edited by Sphosting.com on 11-14-2000 at 09:57 AM]