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managed wordpress hosting

$1 advertisement on website with 300 daily uniques


i love c&y
www.theargsite.com gets 300 unique visitors per day now and is selling advertisement for very low prices.

You can have your banner place on any page of the website for just $1.00 per week. Just choose any place that does not already have a banner.

$1.00 banner advertisement, placed on any page you want, on a site with 300 unique per day!

You can also purchase a link spot on the "Links" page for a one time payment of $1.00!

If interested, please post here, PM me, or email me at theargsite@gmail.com
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The reason Oct. 2nd does not have a large number is because those stats were updated this morning, on Oct. 2nd.
I just exchange links, tell people, and any other way I can to get real visitors. I hate autohit sites, because they just eat up bandwidth and don't deliver real visitors.