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  • Hi,
    I am sorry we are a web hosting corporation and I am not a single person with a simple PC where I can accept your request .. I hope you can understand it that we are not able to process your this kind of request ..

    Let us know if you need any further assistance or a dedicated hosting solution ..

    Regards ..
    Hello, I am making a Mu Online Server and I need someone to host the server for me because my internet is horrible. It d/c every 30min, if I d/c that means everyone else playing gets d/ced. I have the cheapest verizon internet and I also have wireless internet. If you host my mu online Server you can be a admin in it. It is easy to host it if you do what I say.
    Requirements to host it:
    -Have to keep the server up 24/7 (exept for when you restart your PC)
    -None d/cing internet
    -OVER 2 GB RAM

    If you are interested just answer me i have 0 money to pay it=/
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