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Yet another stupid little quiz


Doctor Hexagon
Okay, so I clicked on some quiz on MSN, and took it.

To my surprise, the results were 100% correct.

There are only 4 questions. The quiz is supposed to tell you what kind of career you should have. It's funny that the number 1 result I got was the career I am interested in, and it described me perfectly. Anyways, here is the link:

Life as an ENFJ
(Extravert, Intuitive, Feeler, Judger)
People of this type tend to be friendly, outgoing and enthusiastic; affectionate articulate and tactful; highly empathetic but easily hurt; creative and original; decisive and passionately opinionated, productive, organized and responsible.

The most important thing to ENFJs is their relationships and the opportunity to communicate and connect with others.

Great careers for ENFJs

Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is ENFJ:

Advertising account executive
Magazine editor
Career or outplacement counsellor
Corporate trainer
Bilingual education teacher
Professor: humanities
Fund- raiser
TV producer
Occupational therapist
Holistic health practitioner
Marketing executive
Writer / journalist
Social worker
Human resources professional
Originally posted by Bruce
I'm an ISTP!!!1

Works for me.

word up yo. lol.

i like the ISTP. they got some nice jobs. computer programmer, police, software developer, private investigator, fire fighter...yep.

but im an ENFP. LoL. only job that's interests me there is graphic designer.

heh, stupid quizzes. what do they know :rolleyes:

there's tons of other jobs out there :p
LOL, I ended up with some pretty bad careers (well, maybe except psychologist):

Human resources professional
Physical therapist
Translator / interpreter
Legal mediator
Employee development specialist
College professor: humanities
Massage therapist
Social worker
Fashion designer
Editor / art director

I am INFP. :)

Chief Information Officer
Database administrator
Healthcare administrator
Real estate broker
Construction / building inspector
Police detective
Agricultural scientist
Primary care physician
Biomedical researcher
Office manager
Credit analyst

sad... very very sad... :cry2:

what do those st00pid online tests know anyway :rolleyes: :biggrin2:
None seemed quite right for me. Well, maybe one or two...
Great careers for ENFPs
Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is ENFP:

Advertising account executive
Career / outplacement counsellor
Management consultant
Developer of educational software
Journalist / magazine reporter
Graphic designer
Art director
Corporate team trainer
Residential housing director
Human resources professional
Child welfare counsellor
Primary care physician
Occupational therapist
Designer: interior / landscape
Massage therapist
Customer service representative
Fashion designer
Registered nurse
Dental hygienist
Travel agent / tour operator
Home health worker
Medical assistant
Alcohol and drug addiction counsellor

haha i like the last one :D
(Intravert, Intuitive, Feeler, Judger)

Special education teacher
Alcohol and drug addiction counsellor
Universal design architect
Holistic health practitioner
Diversity manager / trainer
Speech / language pathologist
Career counsellor
Director of religious education
Editor / art director
hey so far i am the only INTJ

Life as an INTJ
(Intravert, Intuitive, Thinker, Judger)
People of this type tend to be autonomous, aloof and intellectual; imaginative, innovative, and unique; critical, analytical and logical; intellectually curious, driven to learn and increase their competence and knowledge; socially cautious and reserved; organized and definitive.

The most important thing to INTJs is their independence and being able to live according to their own standards.

Great careers for INTJs

Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is INTJ:

Intellectual property attorney
News analyst
Design engineer
Biomedical researcher
Network integration specialist
Software developer
Freelance writer
Media planner
Chief Financial Officer
Desktop publishing specialist

not the job I really want.. i wanna be involved in politics. but this aint an options in there:rolleyes:
Life as an ENTP
(Extravert, Intuitive, Thinker, Perceiver)
People of this type tend to be friendly, charming and outgoing; quick-witted, energetic and irreverent; ingenious, imaginative and creative; curious, flexible and unpredictable; logical and analytical.

The most important thing to ENTPs is being creative, seeing possibilities and always having new challenges.

Great careers for ENTPs

Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is ENTP:

Investment banker
Venture capitalist
Outplacement consultant
Management / marketing consultant
Radio / TV talk show host
Political manager
Real estate developer
Strategic planner
University/college president
Motivational speaker
Internet marketer
Advertising creative director

actually my results aren't that bad as I can see myself later in several mentioned careers :)

# Primary care physician
# Occupational therapist
# Designer: interior / landscape
# Massage therapist
# Customer service representative
# Fashion designer
# Chef
# Paralegal
# Surveyor
# Registered nurse
# Dental hygienist
# Travel agent / tour operator
# Home health worker
# Medical assistant
# Alcohol and drug addiction counsellor

I don't like any of these jobs. None of them are interesting to me.
This is a very bad example of the Myers-Briggs personality test. I can't tell by their descriptions whether I am even a T or an F, when a more thorough (and subtle!) version of the test put me at Feeler by like 16-4! I am an INFP according to that one, although it's close between P & J and I think it should almost be split between I and E. but anyway...one thing's right, I wouldn't like web design or computer programming stuff as a career. Gah. A little is fun, but having to do it to get paid...no thanks. I prefer my pottery. :D

Hmm, I am the only INFP so far... :biggrin2:

You know, the Myers-Briggs test is supposed to be pretty much opposite of this - lots more questions for accuracy, and the questions themselves are not supposed to give away where your answer will place you (ie a I/E question would ask something about how late you would stay at a party or what you do there, like talk to everybody or talk with one or two friends - that kind of thing).
Great careers for ISTJs
Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is ISTJ:
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Meteorologist
  • Database administrator
  • Healthcare administrator
  • Paralegal
  • Accountant
  • Real estate broker
  • Construction / building inspector
  • Police detective
  • Agricultural scientist
  • Primary care physician
  • Biomedical researcher
  • Office manager
  • Credit analyst
Doesn't feel too good to think about these jobs.