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What kind of video card do you have? Is there at least 1 VGA and 1 HD port? You need a video card that has dual monitor function. I recommend GeForce FX5600 which already has these interfaces in one card and it's also cheap.
I need to invest in some quality studio monitors, with a very wide eq spectrum. Right now i have a pair of Samson Resolv 40as and the spectrum starts at 70hz so as you can imagine, I am missing a lot of frequencies.
I hear KRKs are pretty good... my budget is between 200-300 for both. If anyone can give me some recommendations that would be very much appreciated.
It's the best thing ever. I have two screens, one smaller than the other one where I keep all my notes while working on customer's site and the big one where I do the work.
Once you try it, you'll never go back to using one monitor. You'll miss your second monitor when you are using someone else's computer or your own laptop.