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What features denied by a free host to encouraged upgrade would you like to have.


New Member
What features denied by a free host to encourage upgrade would you like to have.

The free host features our how I use to choose a free host. At first I leaned toward disk space and bandwidth. Then after I realized my needs I started look at different values. I actually pay for hosting now. Disk space and bandwidth are important but backup is important also. But I do not rely on the host for backup. I believe DNS is the most important feature of a host. I do not recall ever getting a free host without Some DNS configuration advertising. By that I mean custom name server, custom error pages, recursive queries. Things that if 404, 500, 403 errors would bring you back to the host advertisement.

Custom name servers are provided by some free hosting providers. But if there name servers have recursive queries then your custom name servers do also. Private name server should be paid for (Private IP address). A host provider has to pay for the hardware, software, bandwidth, IP address registration, etc. So how can they offer free hosting without limitations.

Features I look for in a free host is Apache, mod re-write, cPanel, FTP access, Full DNS, and Custom Name Servers.

Disk space and Bandwidth is the only reasons I see for upgrading to paid.

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Free webhosting providers today have access to the same software and tools as paid providers. An unmanaged cPanel VPS with a reasonable amount of memory can cost under $30.00 per month and a proper unmanaged dedicated server can cost under $130 per month.

I think about it the same way as CentOS and Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). One is open source and free to the community without any technical support while the other includes robust support provided by Redhat. Free webhosting is a great resource for artists, developers, community builders, and low budget projects, but paid webhosting is more appropriate for e-commerce (SSL support as a premium upgrade), higher levels of access (SSH access instead of just FTP), dedicated resources (CPU/Memory intensive websites), specialized technology (Tomcat, Coldfusion, ASP.net etc), specialized backup requirements (R1Soft) and so on.
Free webhosting providers today have access to the same software and tools as paid providers.

I think about it the same way as CentOS and Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). One is open source and free to the community without any technical support while the other includes robust support provided by Redhat.

Yes technical support. The open source distribution has all the features supported just have to know how to use them on your own. If I'm not mistaken I think you can rip out the branding with open source.

Free Hosting is for small do it yourself projects, spammers, proxy abusers. I just think it be nice if some free hosting allowed some features to the small projects. Not the spammers, and proxy abuse.
Maybe you can limit the number of email accounts/addon domains/parked domains/ftp accounts etc. ?

If you have cloudlinux installed you can also limit the server resources that free accounts can use.