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Website critique: www.agentwebranking.com


New Member
Please take a look around at http://www.agentwebranking.com and respond with any positive or negative feelings on the site.

We have created this site to promote the software we have developed. Agentwebranking is designed for search engines placement agencies, webmasters and web marketers.

Thank you.

Fabien Faceries
A most excellent site

Very well done! So how many downloads to date.. Going to have to link to you once I test drive...
The only negative things I have to say about your site is
1. Check your grammar/spelling - nothing serious, but you can make yourself seem more professional without spelling errors or grammar mistakes. (If you look carefully, you can find a few small mistakes)
2. Too much empty space at the bottom on your front page. Maybe you can consider adding some more things to your main colum...?
The site is very nice, but I have a suggestion to make.

Everything seems to be too high up. I would try lowering the information by one <BR>
Thanks to everyone for your comments. Following your advices I have redesigned my pages. Could you please re-check it and let me know about the small flash I have added.

lokking nicer

I must say that you have improved on what I thought was a great looking design.
It loaded veeeery fast and I'm on a 56k modem.
The flash grafic is simple text but very eye catching all the same. looks good.
I like the way you have shortened the front page and put the more detailed info on a second page. well done.

The only comment I could think of is: Why not round the corners of the table cells with a few small graphics. It looks a little square if you know what I mean. Apart from that it looks terrific.
Hi jiminsd,

thanks for your comments:" I've been using your program for months and it works great for me ". My partner and I are currently developing a new version of AgentWebRanking. If you have any suggestions or remarks please let us know.
