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managed wordpress hosting

vps or dedi? witch one to choose?


New Member
i will be putting in: a game with 20-1000 people online at a time, and it takes about 500 gigabytes/month and it takes about 1 gigabyte of ram, i know cuse i am currently running it off of my computer lol, so witch would u pick, a dedi or a vps?
I'd go 10mbps or 100mbps unmetered if I could... game servers don't do that well on shared bandwidth servers as far as I can say
you should get a dedicated. and yeah, unmetered is great and all, but, there is still a limit. so, name a limit that you need, and people here can help you.
ok, im going to purchase a dedicated server with 2000 gigabyte bandwidth, and 2 gigabyte ram thanks.
Do not forget about CPU (This is very important thing for dedicated server also) Just kidding arround :D
Yes, I agree, think about the CPU too, and at least 2Gb ram. All this will do good for you :).
