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Thread-Starter Hack ?


New Member

I'm reading here in the board for months and everytime it is allways hard to follow a disscussion, because here is no topic-starter hack, I am very used to. It is very comfortable to see a mark on the user, who started the post beginning with his first reply. I've seen a lot of vB's with such a hack, so it seems not to be very difficult :)
I'm German too, but as an example I wanted to have something English ;)

P.S. Würde ich mich sonst auf deutschen Boards rumtreiben ? ;)
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It is very handy, because you see who answers and who asks. There is no need to keep the topic starter in mind during readin the thread.
Yes of course a board can life without it, with no problems, but if you once have used it, you wlll admire it :)