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Those wacky North Koreans

I don't think the U.S. or whoever should tell countries what to do. If we don't bother North Korea, North Korea probably won't want to try to blow us up!
I don't think the U.S. or whoever should tell countries what to do. If we don't bother North Korea, North Korea probably won't want to try to blow us up!

For all you know I could have made this topic to congratulate a struggling nation on advancing to this stage ... err, well, they tested a nuke once before IIRC.
Congrats on North Korea for spending money on nukes instead of spending money on your poor starving people :)
Who doesn't like a nice boom every once in a while? Didn't you play with fireworks as a child?

I used to blow up ant piles.
I love blowing ---- up and putting aerosol cans in the fire when I feel bored. I remember playing with fireworks in my back yard when I was little. I got burnt and went to the hospital. Oh well. It was fun!
I still blow up spray paint cans.

The best fireballs come from two paint cans, a cinderblock, and a medium sized jagged rock. Lay the jagged rock on the ground and place the first spray paint can on it so it's not moving anywhere. Spray the first can with the second can, then throw the second can off somewhere. Light the paint on fire, take a step back, pick up the cinderblock and slam it down.

I'm not liable for any medical bills, but it's yet to backfire on me.
I don't think the U.S. or whoever should tell countries what to do. If we don't bother North Korea, North Korea probably won't want to try to blow us up!

When theres some crazy dude out there with nuclear weapons making threats against another country... We kinda have to get involved.

If some guy with a gun is making threats on your family's life... Wouldn't you do something? Sometimes you can't just leave crazy people alone.

That being said... We've spent too much on everything else, we can't afford to do anything about North Korea. Don't worry.
When theres some crazy dude out there with nuclear weapons making threats against another country... We kinda have to get involved.

so what you're saying is Israel, and the US for example can have nukes while others can't have?

congrats to Korea! wish all countries have a Nukes so that the world's power is balanced...
congrats to Korea! wish all countries have a Nukes so that the world's power is balanced...

I for one wish all countries pulled their heads out of their ----ing asses and dismantled their nukes! Nothing good will EVER come out of owning or possessing a weapon of catastrophic destruction! :shame:
so what you're saying is Israel, and the US for example can have nukes while others can't have?

congrats to Korea! wish all countries have a Nukes so that the world's power is balanced...

You wish all countires had nukes? That would be a dire day.
fine if wishing all countries to have nukes dosn't make sense, then alternatively
shouldn't ALL countries GIVE UP THEIR NUKES and STOP forcing other to give up theirs ;)

now my point is clear!
Typical, would have to see a video of Obama talking about his outrage.
Saying North Koera carrying out tests is a threat to world peace is bull----. For as long as any country has one, there is a threat. It is and always will be a stalemate situation.
now i get it...
You meant to say "praise to Allah"
Allah is an Arabic word stands for (God) in English.

Allah is not a terroring word, and when it comes in any sentence it dosn't make it funny!

By saying so you're so being Racial, and you're insulting over 1+ Billion Muslims.

No one has the right to make fun of other beleifs, we (Muslims) respect all the religins, we NEVER make fun of Jesus for example, in fact, we have almost 1 chapter (and maybe more) in our book (Quraan) about his struggling named after his mother, Marry.

Islam is not terririst, those who makes bombing or even threatning have nothing to do with Islam, they're not presenting Islam in anyway
We (Mulsims) are being used by those people, and even thou, sill this dosn't give you or anyone to play and make fun by mentioning Allah.

i'm really disapointed!
now i get it...
You meant to say "praise to Allah"
Allah is an Arabic word stands for (God) in English.

Allah is not a terroring word, and when it comes in any sentence it dosn't make it funny!

By saying so you're so being Racial, and you're insulting over 1+ Billion Muslims.

No one has the right to make fun of other beleifs, we (Muslims) respect all the religins, we NEVER make fun of Jesus for example, in fact, we have almost 1 chapter (and maybe more) in our book (Quraan) about his struggling named after his mother, Marry.

Islam is not terririst, those who makes bombing or even threatning have nothing to do with Islam, they're not presenting Islam in anyway
We (Mulsims) are being used by those people, and even thou, sill this dosn't give you or anyone to play and make fun by mentioning Allah.

i'm really disapointed!
You mentionned Allah without PBUH?????? Though shall burn in hell! (or hell's equivalent)

And no virgins for you.