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The next time I hear somebody say "woot"

Me brother woots all the time, at all sorts, like if someone is dressed like a tramp, he'll hang from the window and shout woot at the top of his ( rather large ) lungs - he even does the truck horn hand action ... it's amusing ...

It seems in Montreal, at least, the cute girls just started using the word woot. Therefore it is acceptable in that context.

These cute girls need coerced re-education.

Also, if these 'cute girls' fall under the category of 'anime girls' I would refuse to go near them anyway.

Anime girls are .... unique. And have stalker tendencies.
These cute girls need coerced re-education.

Also, if these 'cute girls' fall under the category of 'anime girls' I would refuse to go near them anyway.

Far from it, they're pot heads, but still cute.

Don't forget, this is Montreal, everyone is a pot head.
Far from it, they're pot heads, but still cute.

Don't forget, this is Montreal, everyone is a pot head.
At least they're not anime girls.

But anime girls are anime girls regardless of weed smoking status. And I refuse to go near them.