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Remotely hosted discussion forum

in my days of using boards there is absolutely no thing as a free board without ads, or atleast a good board for that matter.

I suggest downloading phpbb or invisionboard... finding a reliable free host or paid host that offers mysql database, php, and ftp and upload the forum files on... and host your own board.
I did research here 6 months ago and found remotely hosted boards were either wildcarded, didn't work properly, or were just lame.

The only one I found worth a hoot was Best Boards which is free with an ad or $2.50 a month without. They live up to their name.

Another option would be to use a PHP host and run your own. With mySQL usually a paid option and since boards are all the rage now, some new ones have popped up @ Hotscripts.

A flat-file or text-file board requires you make 2 foldrs for passwords and posts. No mySQL is needed for these kind of boards.

I saw a few new ones that were fully customizable @ Hotscripts/PHP/Message boards. ogre2
Originally posted by deff36
in my days of using boards there is absolutely no thing as a free board without ads, or atleast a good board for that matter.

I suggest downloading phpbb or invisionboard... finding a reliable free host or paid host that offers mysql database, php, and ftp and upload the forum files on... and host your own board.

The free hosts are even less reliable than the remote hosts. You'll need to have a paid host and hopefully a board that makes upgrading easy. If you're going to use a free host, prepare to transfer your files every few months or so, in addition to bearing persistent downtimes and horrible advertising. Not to mention the fact that free hosts hate forums and will delete you for fun occasionally.

I help out at www.aimoo.com and it definitely is a great service. I've seen features on Aimoo that I've never seen elsewhere, some of which are pretty peculiar. ;)