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Please suggest me a registar


W as in Whisky

Could some of you suggest me some Registars.
Here are the creteria's the registar must meet:

-15$ and under / year
-Immidiate DNS/Contact change*

* = NO sending forms via mail and waiting 2 weeks for changes.

It must also be reliable.

Thanks You
I think most registrar allow immediate dns/contact change , How many domains do you want ?

Remember when you are going to register domains for others that some registrars like gkg.net will advertise their websites in your whois.
My personal recommendation is for weblaunching.net (similar to 000domains, but saves you a buck-fifty).

I want to register one domain now and maybe move one out of domainzero and transfer it to the same registar as the one I'm going to register.

Chicken, I checked the site, but they don't mension that I can pay by money order. And I would like so.

Anyone knows one that accepst money orders? and fit my description in the 1st post?

Thanks You
Re: reply

Originally posted by DoxMedia
I want to register one domain now and maybe move one out of domainzero and transfer it to the same registar as the one I'm going to register.

Chicken, I checked the site, but they don't mension that I can pay by money order. And I would like so.

Anyone knows one that accepst money orders? and fit my description in the 1st post?

Thanks You

gkg.net has to receive your letter via mail to change the DNS/contact info....

At leats, this is what I read on their site...


also, I was looking at DotSter.com I e-mailed them asking if I can change my DNS info, but they said no. Elswhere on this board someone wrote he change his dns with dotster. Which one is the correct one?

Thanks Again

[Edited by DoxMedia on 11-29-2000 at 08:46 AM]
gkg.net correction

Originally posted by DoxMedia
gkg.net has to receive your letter via mail to change the DNS/contact info....

At leats, this is what I read on their site...


also, I was looking at DotSter.com I e-mailed them asking if I can change my DNS info, but they said no. Elswhere on this board someone wrote he change his dns with dotster. Which one is the correct one?

Thanks Again

[Edited by DoxMedia on 11-29-2000 at 08:46 AM]

You only need to write gkg.net if you're going to change the "registrant info" (domain owner info).

If you are changing DNS or other contact info on the domain it is done online.

Whuff. Money order and registrar combo, I don't know. Someone will here (already some mentioned). Also, I'd be interested to see if you can transfer that one domain out of domainzero.
Originally posted by jiminsd
We're all waiting to see the answer to Chicken's last statement....

Shall I be the guniea pig? I could try to transfer one of my domainzero domains to enom. Figure *that* should be interesting? Maybe they'd pass that through even with the lock factor?
Go for it (easy for me to say)...

I'm guessing that domainzero will go under when they can't find some type of revenue stream that works and we'll have to wait till then to be set free. Might not happen within the year though.

One thing..when someone does find a reasonalble way out, we all better run fast out the door before they slam it shut.