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That's very nice actually. Did you design it yourself? I didn't bother to dig through the page source, but if you did this from the ground up, kudos to you. That's very clean cut. Most of your SEO will be based on the content of the site and the user experience. Google is changing, and return visitors / interested visitors will drive up your organic traffic. Just setup Google Analytics to give Google some better insights.
The page title is a bit long, so I would recommend cutting that down a bit. You're doing a full redirect from www to non-www, so that's a plus as well. The phone number is in text, so make sure you keep that number for a very long time as people do Google these numbers and they often come up with a website (yours). I would suggest taking the phone number out of the logo image, this doesn't add any value and will result in a mis-classification of the image in Google's image search.
I'd strongly recommend removing that up arrow scroller that appears at the bottom of the page. That's just flare that doesn't really help anyone. It's often unnoticed, and just causes JavaScript issues down the road when you want to add more of that stuff (not common, but there could be a JS conflict).
I'll subscribe to this thread if you wanna ask any questions. I've been playing with SEO for over 15 years and kept up to date with Google's Webmaster Guidelines. This is particularly interesting to me.