People who have no idea what they're looking for do indeed show up on web hosting forums, but I'd say they are far, far outnumbered by the people who are experienced, know generally what they're looking for, and simply want some opinions/offers. At least that's what I have seen.
Ironically, if they are in the minority insofar that you'd say "far, far outnumbered", what phenomenon gives rise to this thread? If this forum is an exception to what you have seen generally on other forums, it is necessary that we are an exact mimic of something else?
A search on Google would probably yield more results from web hosting directories and web hosting forums like WHT, which may contain plenty of reviews depending on the exact host in question. Google doesn't provide anything; it simply gathers the collective knowledge of the world wide web, which includes this and other popular discussion forums. My point was that they do not need to post their requests. If they are indeed so experienced, they would be able to gather the necessary information from what is already out there. Every other day I see a new review on the usual web hosts popping up, which are then indexed by Google. This information will then be available to those who search. I'm not sure what you meant by "real people" in this case. Requirements alone on Google are not going to bring you straight to a web host's homepage. One might appear on the first page of the results, but there certainly is more information to dig into as well.
I'm not attempting to say that experienced people have no place seeking offers with very precise requirements on such forums, but we must be considerate of those who have not dabbled in the scene for long yet.