Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers!
Make a blog about a popular topic, and put ads on it.
If people like what they see, you'll get decent ad revenue.
It's about the only method that really has a possibility of actually being profitable with minimal effort, and even at that it takes time to build up a content base and a reputation that keeps people coming back to your site.
I am agree with Seraphim. Blogging is the best way for getting unlimited earnings with attractive topics in your post. You can also join some of the online earning sites available on the internet which offers click on ads services and you will be paid by just clicking.
Create some content, that you can do on a regular basis, and put ads on it. Might be youtube videos, might be a blog, might be some review website. But you'll probably earn more to ads than selling a product or service.
A forum called DP, which is the largest Internet/Marketing forum, had someone post (with evidence) that they were making $20,000 per year. That's an amazing feat and I would call that the best job in the world. No boss, or anyone telling you what to do. Although with all the updates in Google's search engine, perhaps the income is not so secure, as many webmasters from my experience have seen their sites penalized, but if you play by the rules then you should be fine. (i.e. no link selling, this is a big no-no)
You make money by simply creating an attractive website, if you gain enough people coming to the site then you are in for the jackpot. But it's not that easy in most cases and requires quite a bit of effort.
That depends.
As we all know, Internet is a big world, we can do what we want. But if you want to something well, for example, make money, there is much competition you should face about you skills. So, I suggest, do what you like and what you are expert in, just my personal opinion.:biggrin2:
Create a blog and make it standard as possible now register with Google adsense! :> another one would be creating a viral video and posting it through youtube! VIEWERS = MONEY. same with ad sense..
Blog or vlog and earn money with adsense and affiliate will be easy ways to earn money especially whoever think of 1st time step in earning money online.
Since you are in web hosting forum,
you can be reseller web hosting or affiliate to earn money by selling or promote web hosting as well.
Make some material, that you can do regularly, and put ads on it. Might be youtube. com video clips, might be a weblog, might be some website. But you'll probably generate more to ads than promoting products or services.
Earning online.
Maybe there are countless ways of earning online. There are a lot more ways of earning online for creative people.
Typically people earn through:
Web development
Buying/selling items
Web hosting
Introducing your already running business on the internet in one way or the other....
And many more.
We actually don't know which cute or stupid idea of ours will generate countlessly money online :-D
Its a reality, internet is now a world of unlimited possibilities. After all its a platform for you to show your creativity / skills on global leve
There are many legitimate ways to make money online.You can earn through internet by writing blogs,articles,ad-sense,affiliate marketing and other such ways.I work from my home and will share my experience.I have been into online business for the past few years,I do reselling business with ,I chose this business because there was no way to get scammed if we found a legit reselling company.It is very easy to make a good turnover because the cost for each service is fixed by reseller and also it has a fixed commissioned pay for each sale.The customer service and payment is handled by the reselling company and hence I just have to promote the services.