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"Olympics end on a high note"

Originally posted by Jan

Giancarlo, every medal winner in almost every adult sport has a drug test. Once it gets to Olympic level it is more stringent and there is no way that someone could 'plant' something in someone's blood or urine sample. And with the high security due to the recent terrorist attacks they cannot make mistakes.

Let's hope your country will be harsh on this cheating athlete for his drug use!

Oh so now the US is perfect and cannot make mistakes?

Whatever. :rolleyes: :mad:
Did I mention US in my last post? US is certainly not innocent of drug cheating in sporting events!
Not in this Olympic venue, but certainly in the past they were! Ben Johnson ring a bell?
I am going to drop this and move on... don't want to argue anymore... all I can say to conclude this is the olympics were pathetic.
I think they were great! I saw quite a bit and Australia won 2 gold medals!! We never had a gold in winter Olympic history!

So he was :)

But there was an American involved in these Winter Olympics.
American bobsledder sees suspension increased

A US bobsledder's ban for failing a drugs test was increased after an appeal.

Pavle Jovanovic appealed against his nine-month suspension only to see it lengthened to two years.

Jovanovic said he unintentionally took a banned steroid in a nutritional supplement.
But Terrence Madden, CEO of the US Anti-Doping Agency, said his defence "is just not credible. No panel is going to buy that defense any more."

Madden said Jovanovic's drug test revealed levels of 19-norandrostenedione, a muscle-building steroid, six times higher than allowed in the sport.

Jovanovic was tested during the US Olympic trials late in December in Park City, where the Olympic competition will be held.

"I look forward to the day when we can tell athletes, 'You can take XYZ supplement,'" Madden said. "We can't do that now."

Jovanovic appealed against the suspension of an American Arbitration Association panel, but the International Court of Arbitration for Sport took a more stern view.

"It's the right decision. It's good for sports. It's good for the Olympics," said Dick Pound, chairman of the World Anti-Doping Agency.
There is a list of past drug cheats, when I have some spare time I will find it.
I don't know any specifics on these drugs but don't they stay in their system long enough for them to dispute it? Another words if the athlete was saying what Giancarlo thinks couldn't another country outside of the host country retest him to verify the results? Another words an independent drug tester who could verify that they found traces of it in their system.

If that can be done and the athlete isn't debating the fact I think they're as good as guilty. As long as they can take another drug test to prove their innocence there is no reason why they wouldn't try and do so.

What am I missing?
Drug tests are already independently made by the organization WADA and the IOC. In this case it was an unexpected out of competition test by WADA. The spanish IOC medical member (I don't know his exact title) was present for the B-test of Muhlegg which was also positive.

No, from what I know, this drug doesn't stay in the athletes body for more than about a week and then they have to take more for it to have effect. That's why Muhlegg had to refuel himself with more of this drug in the middle of the games prior to his third race.

That's when he was caught, in an unexpected extra urine test. The other tests where the cheaper simple blood tests and that's why they didn't spot the nepo in those earlier tests. And that's why he most likely will be able to keep his first two gold medals of the game.

Which is completely unfair to the other athletes and makes the IOC look like fools.
What about the highlights of your Spanish athletes??? They, like all countries, have some great memories. :classic2:

The drug abusers will always try to slip through the testing, but they are a minority! At least pay tribute to your countrymen and women who have won with TRUE athletic talent!
Originally posted by Jan
What about the highlights of your Spanish athletes??? They like all countries have some great memories. :classic2:

The drug abusers will always try to slip through the testing, but they are a minority! At least pay tribute to your countrymen and women who have won with TRUE athletic talent!

I really would question whether or not drug using is only of the minority of the people in the Olympics... is that true?

I do pay tribute to my favorite soccer team, Real Madrid.
Originally posted by Giancarlo

I really would question whether or not drug using is only of the minority of the people in the Olympics... is that true?
Absolutely true! It is fortunately a minority that want to try to enhance their performance. The majority use their natural talent.

Bear in mind GC that random tests are taken throughout their sporting life, not just at Olympic level. You just don't hear so much about it unless you follow the 4 years leading up to the next Olympics.

We might hear more because of the Commonwealth Games so really only 2 years between major competition.
Originally posted by Giancarlo
I don't care anymore. The olympics are and always have been a disgrace this century and last century.
That leaves the games of 1896.
I don't think that it's fair to call the Olympics a disgrace when maybe 5% of the athletes are the ones giving them a bad name by doping, or bitching or whatnot. There are more good stories that come out of the Olympics, like when someone not expected to finish tenth wins the gold, or something like that.