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Oh no they aint...


Westboro Baptist Church will be picketing the funeral of Obama's grandmother

WBC to picket the funeral of Madelyn
Payne Dunham, - pursuant to the
picketing laws of Hawaii or Kansas or,
etc., wherever burial occurs, - in
religious protest and warning to the
living; to wit: "Prepare to meet thy God."
Amos 4:11.
Yes. Dying time is truth time, and reflection time,
and time for meditating on the weighty issues of
life: getting right with God, life, death, Heaven, Hell,
sin, righteousness, judgment to come, etc. Obama
says his grandmother Dunham raised him, and,
her "influence on his manner and the way he
viewed the world was substantial." If so, then she
has much to answer for as she stands before the
Lord. Obama says he will use the White House as
a Bully Pulpit to advance the cause of murdering
more babies and same-sex marriage. "God hath
appointed a day, in the which He will judge the
world in righteousness by Christ." Acts 17:31.
"And shall not God avenge his own
elect, which cry to him day and night?"
Luke 18 :7.
"For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will
recompence, saith the Lord. It is afearful thing to fall into the hands of
the living God.." Reb. 10:30,31.
You know what to do, boys.

Remember: Two in the chest, one in the head.